Translation of “lapse” in Korean

8 translation entries available
English lapse
Type noun
Korean 실수
Pronunciation sil su
English lapse
Type noun
Korean 일탈
Pronunciation il tal
English lapse
Type noun
Korean 시간의 경과
Pronunciation si gan ui gyeong gwa
English lapse
Type noun
Korean 타락
Pronunciation ta lak
English lapse
Type verb
Korean 일탈하다
Pronunciation il tal ha da
English lapse
Type verb
Korean 무효가되다
Pronunciation mu hyo ga doe da
English lapse
Type verb
Korean 끝이나다
Pronunciation kkeut i na da
English lapse
Type verb
Korean 쓰이지 않게 되다
Pronunciation sseu i ji anh ge doe da

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