Translation of “landscape” in Korean

8 translation entries available
English landscape
Type noun
Korean 풍경
Pronunciation pung gyeong
Definition scenery
English landscape
Type verb
Korean 조경하다
Pronunciation jo gyeong ha da
Definition to improve the appearance of (an area of land, a highway, etc.), as by planting trees, shrubs, or grass, or altering the contours of the ground.
English landscape
Type noun
Korean 경치
Pronunciation gyeong chi
English landscape
Type noun
Korean 풍경화
Pronunciation pung gyeong hwa
English landscape
Type noun
Korean 풍경화법
Pronunciation pung gyeong hwa beop
English landscape
Type noun
Korean 산수
Pronunciation san su
English landscape
Type verb
Korean 미화하다
Pronunciation mi hwa ha da
English landscape
Type verb
Korean 녹화하다
Pronunciation nok hwa ha da

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