Translation of “lagging” in Korean

8 translation entries available
English lagging
Type noun
Korean 지연
Pronunciation ji yeon
English lagging
Type noun
Korean 뒤처짐
Pronunciation dwi cheo jim
English lagging
Type noun
Korean 늦어짐
Pronunciation neuj eo jim
English lagging
Type noun
Korean 피복을 씌움
Pronunciation pi bog eul ssui um
English lagging
Type adjective
Korean 뒤처지는
Pronunciation dwi cheo ji neun
English lagging
Type adjective
Korean 늦어지는
Pronunciation neuj eo ji neun
English lagging
Type adjective
Korean 시들해지는
Pronunciation si deul hae ji neun
English lagging
Type adjective
Korean 꾸물대는
Pronunciation kku mul dae neun

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