Translation of “front” in Korean

13 translation entries available
English front
Type noun
Pronunciation ap
English front
Type noun
Korean 앞면
Pronunciation ap myeon
English front
Type noun
Korean 정면
Pronunciation jeong myeon
English front
Type noun
Korean 이마
Pronunciation i ma
English front
Type noun
Korean 태도
Pronunciation tae do
English front
Type verb
Korean 향하다
Pronunciation hyang ha da
English front
Type verb
Korean 앞잡이로 쓰이다
Pronunciation ap jab i lo sseu i da
English front
Type verb
Korean 이용물로 쓰이다
Pronunciation i yong mul lo sseu i da
English front
Type verb
Korean 정면을 향하다
Pronunciation jeong myeon eul hyang ha da
English front
Type adjective
Korean 정면의
Pronunciation jeong myeon ui
English front
Type adjective
Korean 선두의
Pronunciation seon du ui
English front
Type adjective
Korean 현관의
Pronunciation hyeon gwan ui
English front
Type adjective
Korean 앞으로
Pronunciation ap eu lo

Word of the day:
vegetal · 식물의

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