Translation of “film” in Korean

7 translation entries available
English film
Type noun
Korean 영화
Pronunciation yeong hwa
an international film festival
국제 영화제
English film
Type noun
Korean 필름
Pronunciation pil leum
She put a new film in her camera.
그녀는 카메라에 새 필름을 넣었다.
English film
Type noun
Korean 엷은 막
Pronunciation yeolb eun mak
English film
Type noun
Korean 필름
Pronunciation pil leum
English film
Type verb
Korean 촬영하다
Pronunciation chwal yeong ha da
They are filming in Moscow right now.
그들은 지금 현재 모스크바에서 촬영 중이다.
English film
Type verb
Korean 엷은 껍질로 덮다
Pronunciation yeolb eun kkeop jil lo deop da
English film
Type verb
Korean 엷은 껍질로 덮이다
Pronunciation yeolb eun kkeop jil lo deop i da

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