Translation of “account” in Korean

7 translation entries available
English account
Type noun
Korean 구좌
Pronunciation gu jwa
Definition a business relationship between a bank, department store, stockbroker, etc
I would like to open a bank account.
나는 은행 구좌를 열고 싶습니다.
English account
Type noun
Korean 회계장부
Pronunciation hoe gye jang bu
Definition statement of monetary transactions with the resulting balance
English account
Type noun
Korean 계산
Pronunciation gye san
English account
Type verb
Korean 설명하다
Pronunciation seol myeong ha da
English account
Type verb
Korean 보고하다
Pronunciation bo go ha da
English account
Type verb
Korean 원인이되다
Pronunciation won in i doe da
English account
Type verb
Korean 간주하다
Pronunciation gan ju ha da

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